Nathaniel Lee Nathaniel Lee

Silence is Golden

But for some reason I’m still talking.

I’m going to try to actually blog a little bit, since I keep hiding from writing fiction. Hello, void, how are you? I’m fine. Everything is on fire, but I don’t have any more “vacations” scheduled for the year so I won’t have to leave the house unless I want to eat and continue having a house, so that’s nice.

I’ve been published actually kind of a lot this year. You can find me in The Chorochronos Archives, a collection of time travel fiction which includes my quiet love story, “What We’re Having.” I am also in ProleSCARYet, an anthology of horror themed around class warfare and class consciousness, with “Beelzebub,” a creepy story about a creepy man in a shitty gas station. If you don’t like reading or books, then you’ve chosen a really weird hobby following me, but you can listen to my story “Azazel” in Tales to Terrify, Episode 498, in which a dog does not bite.

Thanks for stopping by.

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Nathaniel Lee Nathaniel Lee

Returning to Form

Missed a few days there, ne? I know. I do my best, okay? At any rate, hopefully the drabbling will resume, as will some sort of actual writing on the back-end.

It would probably be better if I was better at blogging/journaling/what-have-you. I’d at least be able to jabber about my thoughts and life and stuff. Nonetheless, we persevere! I should hopefully have some new links to add to the old bibliography soon, which will be grand news for my hypothetical fan.

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Nathaniel Lee Nathaniel Lee

Crass Commercialism

The Books and E-Books page has been updated with links to collections of short fiction as sold on Amazon, which you can now purchase for your e-book reader and (in the case of Crabwise, so far) in actual physical form. (I get a bigger share of the e-book because this is still basically vanity publishing and I have to pay for printing costs for every unit; the main thing is it exists and you could hold it in your hands if you really wanted.) But! Books! For sale!

Tell your friends. Collect them all. Be the very best, like no one ever was.

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Nathaniel Lee Nathaniel Lee

Normal Services Resume

I am pleased to announce that the daily (or as near as I can manage) publication of a 100-word story (generally referred to as a “drabble”) is now officially ongoing. You will find it under the “Drabbles and Microfiction” tab in the site header.

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Nathaniel Lee Nathaniel Lee


Well, and here we are. I am now the nervous and dismayed owner of a website. Things are a bit of a mess around here. Hopefully matters will improve as time goes on.

Welcome! I’m Nate. I put words in various orders. Sometimes people give me money for doing so. I have put several words into new configurations at various places on this site. Please enjoy.

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